The dedication of the Muskegon shipwreck as Indiana’s 2nd Underwater Nature Preserve on July 18. To be the successful afternoon that we all envision, we need to make sure that as many people as possible are invited to Michigan City’s Old Lighthouse Museum, 100 Heisman Harbor Drive at 1:30pm CST.
Please post the attached press release on your web sites and Facebook pages; invite family and friends and anyone in your circle of influence.
Let everyone know that we will have information tables set up on the museum lawn sponsored by;
National Park Service,
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant,
Save the Dunes, Friends of the Dunes,
NWPA, (North West Indiana Paddling Association)
Dunes State Park
Charles Beeker and his dive team
……. and more.
There will be live music, food trucks and speakers explaining the importance of this memorable day. The old Lighthouse Museum will be open for free to visitors; there will be displays and information about our 2 Underwater Nature Preserves and visitors can climb to the top of the building for a view from the light tower. Our famous lighthouse keeper Harriet Colfax, who kept the light burning for 43 years, will be on hand to greet visitors. The highlight of the afternoon will be the official opening of the Muskegon site to all visitors.
We will be celebrating history on this day and making history!
Help us spread the word.